Besaid Temple Complete Guide – Final Fantasy X

Besaid Temple Complete Guide – Final Fantasy X

All the Temples of Yevon scattered across Spira host a Cloister of Trials: an intricate set of rooms built to test the desire of those who yearn to know the secrets of Yevon. During the adventure of Final Fantasy X, solving the mysteries of the temples and finding all the secrets will also allow us to obtain a secret Aeon: Anima. In this article you will find a complete guide to the Besaid Temple.

How to solve the Puzzle of Besaid Temple

Final Fantasy X - Besaid Temple

As soon as you enter the temple, head toward the wall in front of you to spot a symbol glowing on it. By doing so, Tidus will automatically touch it, making a similar symbol appear on the right side of the wall. Get closer to it and when prompted, choose to touch it: a passage on the wall will be revealed immediately after. Go down the first flight of stairs and examine the recess in the wall (screenshot) for a brief introduction to the Spheres mecanichs of the Besaid Temple. In the recess you’ve just examined lies a Glyph Sphere. Tidus will pick it up right away. It is said that the sphere has “the power to open the path to the Chamber of the Fayth“.

Final Fantasy X - Besaid Temple

Sphere in hand, head down another set of stairs and insert it in the door with the confirm button (X button on PlayStation). It will reveal a new area. Before entering it though, retrieve the Glyph Sphere from the right half of the door (screenshot), then proceed down the corridor and around the corner, keeping your gaze to the left. Place the sphere in the recess you’ll find in the center of the left wall (screenshot) to open a hidden room. Inside it there is the Destruction Sphere. Ignore it for now and keep going until you come across an pedestal to the left. You won’t miss the emblem on the wall (screenshot): touch it to open another hidden room.

Enter the room to retrieve the Besaid Sphere inside, then insert the new Sphere into the pedestal to make the wall behind it disappear (screenshot).

How to find the Secret of Besaid Temple

After inserting the new Sphere into the pedestal to make the wall behind it disappear, Tidus will be able to push the pedestal inward, which will solve the puzzle of the Cloister of the Trials; not what we want to do right now, because first we’re going to reveal the Secret of the Besaid Temple.

Final Fantasy X - Besaid Temple

Return to the area where the Destruction Sphere is waiting and retrieve it from the recess. Now get back to the secret room facing the pedestal and insert it where the Besaid Sphere was previously located (screenshot). Doing so will active a cutscene showing you the opening of yet another (and last) secret room, right at the end of the cloister. Go on then, run toward the end of the main corridor (screenshot) to open a chest with a Rod of Wisdom (useful weapon for Yuna, the summoner) and unlock the Secret of this temple. Now that the cloister is empty and all the puzzles have been solved, go back to where the pedestal was and push it to the far edge of the room (you just have to walk against it) to reach the symbol on the floor. This way, the pedestal will become part of the ground and you will finally clear the cloister.

Note! If you make a mistake while moving the pedestal, don’t fret. Simply drag it to the glowing spot and it will automatically return to its original position, allowing you to try again.

Find the guide for the other Temples

For the complete guide of all the other Temples of Spira which are in the game, please check the page Temples of Yevon.

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Published by Mark

My name is Marco, and although I've been playing Final Fantasy since I was a kid, I couldn't come up with a fancier nickname than Mark. My passion for the Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider series led me to create Allgamestaff, a website where I have published numerous strategy guides in hopes of helping other fans like me overcome an obstacle and explore every nook and cranny. I love writing and video games: my website is the place where these two interests intersect.