All the Temples of Yevon scattered across Spira host a Cloister of Trials: an intricate set of rooms built to test the desire of those who yearn to know the secrets of Yevon. During the adventure of Final Fantasy X, solving the mysteries of the temples and finding all the secrets will also allow us to obtain a secret Aeon: Anima. In this article you will find a complete guide to the Bevelle Temple.
How to solve the Puzzle of Bevelle Temple
Note! You can visit this temple only once during the main story of the game, thus there is only one occasion. It’s important to discover the secret of the Cloister of Trials during this first and last visit to obtain the secret Aeon later.

This particular cloister is a labyrinth of moving corridors: in order to proceed through them it’s necessary to press a pedestal containing a sphere onto the platforms. The pedestal can hold a maxumum of two spheres at a time; as soon as you reach the end of one of the two main corridors, you will automatically be teleported back at the beginning of the same corridor and from here you can continue normally. If you find yourself at crossroads or turns, you can use the arrows on the seal to choose the direction where you wish to proceed. These arrows will alternate regularly, without stopping: to establish your destination, simply press the confirm button (X on Playstation) when the arrow points in the direction you want. Having said that, push the pedestal onto the ramp in front of you: the Cloister of Trials will officially begin.

To get started, move past the first turning with a glyph. At the second turning, you’ll see the arrow move regularly left and right. When the arrow turns left press the confirm button (X on Playstation) to reach the western niche. Here, remove the Bevelle Sphere from the recess (screenshot), then push the pedestal back on the platform. Now you need to reach the recess in front of you. To do this, press the confirm button (X on Playstation) repeatedly again when the arrow point to the screen: you’ll find yourselves turning and moving south (screenshot). At the first turn, press the confirm button (X on Playstation) when the arrow is pointing left to enter another niche to the east. Insert the sphere in the wall (screenshot) to activate the main path to the middle floor. Afterward, take the platform to the south Glyph and turn down (screenshot).
How to find the Secret of Bevelle Temple
When you reach the next floor turn left to remain on the middle floor. Then ignore the first turning and turn right at the next one (screenshot). If you keep going forward, you’ll end up moving in circles. Remove the Glyph Sphere from the wall at the end (screenshot) and place it in the pedestal, then keep moving with the platform and turn right at the next turning (north-east). Remove the Bevelle Sphere from the pedestal and insert it in the recess (screenshot). This action will generate a path next to you that can be walked along. Remove the Glyph Sphere from the pedestal and place it in the recess at the end of this path (screenshot). The wall will dissipate and allow you to access to the Destruction Sphere.

Insert the Sphere into the pedestal and do the same with the Bevelle Sphere you left in the wall (screenshot). Now turn back where you removed the Glyph Sphere from the wall and insert the Destruction Sphere in that same recess (screenshot). It’ll open a passage at the end of the corridor, to the south of your current location. Before continuing south, however, it’ll be necessary to obtain a second Bevelle Sphere. To do this, reach the first turning on this floor, where you will stop automatically: from here, proceed right toward the lower floor to see another Bevelle Sphere (screenshot). Take it and insert it in the pedestal to bring it to the middle floor, where you will have to turn right, and then right again. Now our path will be blocked by a platform. Luckily, you just need to push the pedestal to the other side (screenshot) to remove the obstacle and continue. Now it’s time to leave the passages.

Remove the Bevelle Sphere from the pedestal, go up the stairs, place it in the recess on the wall (screenshot) and take the HP Sphere in the treasure chest to the right (screenshot). Once you open it, the chest will leave a luminous switch in its place. Step on it, as always, to make the pedestal appear. Then turn around and push the pedestal toward the left of the screen, on the platform (screenshot). Move on the platform youselves to proceed toward another treasure chest to obtain a Knight Lance (a good weapon for Kimhari). This is the Secret of the Bevelle Temple. To leave the cloister once and for all move north.
Find the guide for the other Temples
For the complete guide of all the other Temples of Spira which are in the game, please check the page Temples of Yevon.
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