All the Temples of Yevon scattered across Spira host a Cloister of Trials: an intricate set of rooms built to test the desire of those who yearn to know the secrets of Yevon. During the adventure of Final Fantasy X, solving the mysteries of the temples and finding all the secrets will also allow us to obtain a secret Aeon: Anima. In this article you will find a complete guide to the Djose Temple.
How to solve the Puzzle of Djose Temple

Once you entered the Cloister of Trials, retrieve immediately one of the Djose Sphere (#1) from the recesses. right or left isn’t important (screenshot). Insert now the Sphere in one of the recesses in the north door (again, it doesn’t matter which one). Next take the other Djose Sphere (#2) from the recess on the wall you didn’t interact with, and insert it in the free spot of the door. The door will unlock and allow you to continue. Proceed into the next room to see the camera focus shift on the pedestal right in the middle of it.

Check out the floor around the pedestal: our goal is to lit up all the three sides that compose the Yevon emblem. First, ignore the pedestal and proceed past it to remove one of the two Djose Sphere from the wall (the #3 on the left or the #4 on the right – screenshot). Holding the Sphere in your hands, move east in the direction of the passage, and insert it in one of the recesses on the wall (screenshot). Afterward, take the other Djose Sphere from the center of the room and place it near the first (screenshot). Now the pedestal behind the ceiling will glow, enveloped in an electric charge.

Return in the center of the room and move the pedestal (already holding a Djose Sphere, the fifth #5) right under the charged pedestal (screenshot). The Sphere in it will lit up, too. Now remove the charged Sphere and insert it in the recess on the right side of the door in the center of the room (screenshot): it will open up a passage to the north. Next thing to do is to place both the Djose Spheres you can find in the passage to the east of the pedestal (screenshot) in the pedestal itself, and then step on the luminous tile in the passage to the west (screenshot) to make it re-appear in the center of the room. Return in the middle again and push the pedestal throught the north room, where the floor is charged. Falling over the threshold, the pedestal will float exactly in the center of the electric field (screenshot).

Jump toward the pedestal to make Tidus leap on it and reach the other side of the room (screenshot). Here you will come across another pedestal: push it towards the wall to make the eye glyph on the floor in the central room lit up. After that, return into the central room (using the pedestal to jump) and reach the passage to the west. Step on the luminous tile again (screenshot) to teleport the pedestal back in the middle. Remove the charged Djose Sphere from the right side of the door and place it in the recess on the left side (screenshot). You’ll see another part of the Yevon emblem lit up. Now take both the Djose Spheres in the pedestal and bring them into the room where you started the exploration of the cloister (to the south), one at a time. Insert the two spheres into the respective recesses on the two sides of the wall. The Yevon emblem will finally lit up completely and the pedestal will thus turn into a platform.
Return in the center of the room and use the platform with the comfirm button (X button on Playstation) to reach the upper level of the cloister. In the north there are five pedestals: push all of them toward the wall. This will make a new stairway spawn near the platform and a pedestal appear in the hallway.
How to find the Secret of Djose Temple

After pushing all of the pedestal toward the wall, DO NOT get close to the stairway. Instead, ride back to the lower floor using the platform. Moving toward the west passage, near the lumonous tile, you can see a glyph (screenshot). Examine it to open the wall: behind it a Destruction Sphere is waiting for you. Take it, of course, and ride to the upper level again to place the Sphere on the pedestal. A new room will appear nearby (screenshot). Enter it to unlock the Secret of the Djose Temple: a Magic Sphere.
Good! It’s time to use that stairway you had ignored to get to the Vestibule and finish the temple.
Find the guide for the other Temples
For the complete guide of all the other Temples of Spira which are in the game, please check the page Temples of Yevon.
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