Final Fantasy X – Temples of Yevon Complete guide

Final Fantasy X – Temples of Yevon Complete guide

Scattered across the Spira continent there are many sacred temples dedicated to the religious cult of Yevon. All the Temples of Yevon host a Cloister of Trials: an intricate set of rooms built to test the desire of those who yearn to know the secrets of Yevon. In particular, following the correct path, it’ll be possible to get to the Chamber of the Fayth.

In order to identify the right path, however, it’ll be necessary to open a passage through the puzzles that the cloister contains, making a good use of the Spheres and the pedestals inside each temple. Furthermore, exploring will also allow us to discover the secrets of the temples: finding all the secrets of all the temples of Spira will give us the opportunity to obtain the Aeon Anima in the future.

In this section I’m going to show you the right way to solve the puzzle of every temple of Yevon and obtain all the items from the secret treasure chests.

Besaid Temple

Final Fantasy X - Temples of Yevon Full guide

As soon as you enter the temple, head toward the wall in front of you to spot a symbol glowing on it. By doing so, Tidus will automatically touch it, making a similar symbol appear on the right side of the wall. Get closer to it and when prompted, choose to touch it: a passage on the wall will be revealed immediately after. Go down the first flight of stairs and examine the recess in the wall (screenshot) for a brief introduction to the Spheres mecanichs of the Besaid Temple. In the recess you’ve just examined lies a Glyph Sphere. Tidus will pick it up right away. It is said that the sphere has “the power to open the path to the Chamber of the Fayth“.

Final Fantasy X - Temples of Yevon Full guide

Sphere in hand, head down another set of stairs and insert it in the door with the confirm button (X button on PlayStation). It will reveal a new area. Before entering it though, retrieve the Glyph Sphere from the right half of the door (screenshot), then proceed down the corridor and around the corner, keeping your gaze to the left. Place the sphere in the recess you’ll find in the center of the left wall (screenshot) to open a hidden room. Inside it there is the Destruction Sphere. Ignore it for now and keep going until you come across an pedestal to the left. You won’t miss the emblem on the wall (screenshot): touch it to open another hidden room.

Enter the room to retrieve the Besaid Sphere inside, then insert the new Sphere into the pedestal to make the wall behind it disappear (screenshot). Starting from this very moment, Tidus will be able to push the pedestal inward, which will solve the puzzle of the Cloister of the Trials; not what we want to do right now, because first we’re going to reveal the Secret of the Besaid Temple.

Final Fantasy X - Temples of Yevon Full guide

Return to the area where the Destruction Sphere is waiting and retrieve it from the recess. Now get back to the secret room facing the pedestal and insert it where the Besaid Sphere was previously located (screenshot). Doing so will active a cutscene showing you the opening of yet another (and last) secret room, right at the end of the cloister. Go on then, run toward the end of the main corridor (screenshot) to open a chest with a Rod of Wisdom (useful weapon for Yuna, the summoner) and unlock the Secret of this temple. Now that the cloister is empty and all the puzzles have been solved, go back to where the pedestal was and push it to the far edge of the room (you just have to walk against it) to reach the symbol on the floor. This way, the pedestal will become part of the ground and you will finally clear the cloister.

Note! If you make a mistake while moving the pedestal, don’t fret. Simply drag it to the glowing spot and it will automatically return to its original position, allowing you to try again.

Kilika Temple

Final Fantasy X

Once you enter this new Cloister of Trials, move to the center of the room and choose to remove the Kilika Sphere (#1) from the left pedestal. Then insert it into the recess near the door: by doing so, the door will start to burn (screenshot). Now it’s the time to remove the Sphere you just inserted to see the door get completely incinarated and create a new passage. Go throught the new opening to reach the next area. Insert the Kilika Sphere into the recess in the north wall (screenshot) to reveal a glyph above it. Once this is done, remove the Kilika Sphere one more time and insert it in one of the recesses on both sides of the room, right and left (it doesn’t matter which one you choose). Examine the glyph on the north wall (screenshot) to open another passage.

Final Fantasy X - Temples of Yevon Full guide

Do not proceed throught the new path yet. Take a few steps back and remove the Glyph Sphere from the pedestal and put it into the unoccupied, side recess (the one you didn’t use for the Kilika Sphere #1 – screenshot). Now it’s time to finally move into the new room and step on the luminous spot on the floor to the right: the pedestal from the previous room will materialize in this one. Now retrieve a new Kilika Sphere (#2) from the right wall (screenshot) and insert it into the pedestal (screenshot). Next, push the pedestal onto the luminous tile to make a section of the floor disappear (screenshot). It’s time to return to the previous room to remove the Glyph Sphere we left in the recess, and place it into the wall where we found the second Kilika Sphere (#2) (screenshot). This won’t only reveal a secret passage right in front of you, but will also extinguish the roaring flames in the current area.

Final Fantasy X

Instead of entering the newly revealed passage, go down the stairs to reach the area that was previously on fire, then approach the wall and take the Kilika Sphere (#3) from the recess (it appeared when you pushed the pedestal on the luminous tile). Then place the new sphere in the recess near the exit (screenshot). Make sure you leave the sphere there, do not move it yet. Do you remember the secret passage we ignored previously? (the secret room on top of the platform?) It’s time to get there to collect the Destruction Sphere (screenshot). Now, with the new item, go down the stairs and insert it the recess where the third Kilika Sphere (#3) previously standed (screenshot). The Secret of the Kilika Temple will appear in front of you: open the chest to get a Red Armlet. It’s a very useful armor for Kimahri: it will protect him from Fire, Frost and Thunder.

Now you only have to exit the temple: remove the Kilika Sphere (#3) from the north wall (screenshot), and then move toward the exit of the cloister.

Djose Temple

Final Fantasy X - Temples of Yevon Full guide

Once you entered the Cloister of Trials, retrieve immediately one of the Djose Sphere (#1) from the recesses. right or left isn’t important (screenshot). Insert now the Sphere in one of the recesses in the north door (again, it doesn’t matter which one). Next take the other Djose Sphere (#2) from the recess on the wall you didn’t interact with, and insert it in the free spot of the door. The door will unlock and allow you to continue. Proceed into the next room to see the camera focus shift on the pedestal right in the middle of it.

Final Fantasy X - Temples of Yevon Full guide

Check out the floor around the pedestal: our goal is to lit up all the three sides that compose the Yevon emblem. First, ignore the pedestal and proceed past it to remove one of the two Djose Sphere from the wall (the #3 on the left or the #4 on the right – screenshot). Holding the Sphere in your hands, move east in the direction of the passage, and insert it in one of the recesses on the wall (screenshot). Afterward, take the other Djose Sphere from the center of the room and place it near the first (screenshot). Now the pedestal behind the ceiling will glow, enveloped in an electric charge.

Final Fantasy X - Temples of Yevon Full guide

Return in the center of the room and move the pedestal (already holding a Djose Sphere, the fifth #5) right under the charged pedestal (screenshot). The Sphere in it will lit up, too. Now remove the charged Sphere and insert it in the recess on the right side of the door in the center of the room (screenshot): it will open up a passage to the north. Next thing to do is to place both the Djose Spheres you can find in the passage to the east of the pedestal (screenshot) in the pedestal itself, and then step on the luminous tile in the passage to the west (screenshot) to make it re-appear in the center of the room. Return in the middle again and push the pedestal throught the north room, where the floor is charged. Falling over the threshold, the pedestal will float exactly in the center of the electric field (screenshot).

Final Fantasy X

Jump toward the pedestal to make Tidus leap on it and reach the other side of the room (screenshot). Here you will come across another pedestal: push it towards the wall to make the eye glyph on the floor in the central room lit up. After that, return into the central room (using the pedestal to jump) and reach the passage to the west. Step on the luminous tile again (screenshot) to teleport the pedestal back in the middle. Remove the charged Djose Sphere from the right side of the door and place it in the recess on the left side (screenshot). You’ll see another part of the Yevon emblem lit up. Now take both the Djose Spheres in the pedestal and bring them into the room where you started the exploration of the cloister (to the south), one at a time. Insert the two spheres into the respective recesses on the two sides of the wall. The Yevon emblem will finally lit up completely and the pedestal will thus turn into a platform.

Final Fantasy X - Temples of Yevon Full guide

Return in the center of the room and use the platform with the comfirm button (X button on Playstation) to reach the upper level of the cloister. In the north there are five pedestals: push all of them toward the wall. This will make a new stairway spawn near the platform and a pedestal appear in the hallway. For now, DO NOT get close to the stairway. Instead, ride back to the lower floor using the platform. Moving toward the west passage, near the lumonous tile, you can see a glyph (screenshot). Examine it to open the wall: behind it a Destruction Sphere is waiting for you. Take it, of course, and ride to the upper level again to place the Sphere on the pedestal. A new room will appear nearby (screenshot). Enter it to unlock the Secret of the Djose Temple: a Magic Sphere. Good! It’s time to use that stairway you had ignored to get to the Vestibule and finish the temple.

Macalania Temple

Final Fantasy X

In order to return to the Great Hall, you have to solve the puzzle inside the Cloister of Trials: the goal is to rebuilt the bridge that melted away. First thing first, descend the ramp on the left to reach the lower chamber and push the pedestal toward the ice formation to the right (screenshot). Then collect the Macalania Sphere (#1) from the recess in the nearest wall (screenshot) and place it in the pedestal. Now push the pedestal toward the other ice formation (screenshot), letting the pedestal slide down the ramp. It’s time to remove the Glyph Sphere from the central pillar (screenshot) and follow the pedestal down the ramp. When you reach the underground chamber, push the pedestal to the right (screenshot). This way a pillar will rise from the ground to the ceiling. Above it the first part of the ice bridge will take shape.

Final Fantasy X

Time to get back to the ramp and place the Glyph Sphere in the recess to the far left wall (screenshot). By doing that, a block containing another Malacania Sphere (#2) will appear on the upper level floor. Go get it (screenshot) and place it in the central pillar of the lower floor (screenshot), causing another section of the bridge to be rebuilt. To proceed, extract a Macalania Sphere (#3) from the recess in the wall at the top of the ice ramp (screenshot) and insert it in the central pillar, the same place where you had removed the Glyph Sphere earlier (screenshot). The bridge will finally be completed. However, you’ll probably notice that a luminous spot will appear in the upper level, too, which means that the Cloister of Trials isn’t complete yet: if you want to discover all the secrets, you need to destroy the bridge again.

Final Fantasy X - Temples of Yevon Full guide

Approach the central pillar one more time to retrieve the Macalania Sphere, and proceed to the right to insert it in the near wall (screenshot). Next reach the upper floor and step on the luminous tile on the bridge to teleport the pedestal where you stand. Before pushing the pedestal back down, make sure you’ll take the Macalania Sphere inside it. Once the pedestal will go down the ramp, a glyph will stop it midway and divert it toward an ice pillar, revealing the Destruction Sphere. Go down the ramp now and place the Macalania Sphere in the wall near the other ramp, the one that make you reach the underground level (screenshot). Next thing to do is to step on the luminous spot on this floor (screenshot) to bring back the pedestal.

Final Fantasy X - Temples of Yevon Full guide

Remove the Destruction Sphere from the pedestal and push it again toward the lower level (screenshot). Follow the pedestal and place the Destruction Sphere in the recess, left to the ramp (screenshot). A treasure chest with a Luck Sphere will materialize, allowing us to clear the Secret of the Macalania Temple. To exit the Cloister of Trials, return to the middle level and remove the Macalania Sphere from the right wall to insert it in the pedestal. Then push the pedestal to the right (screenshot), inside the pillar, before reaching the upper level. Lastly, remove the Macalania Sphere from the wall near the ramp and place it in the central pillar (screenshot) to rebuild the whole bridge.

Note! As you run across the ice bridge to get back to the Great Hall, be careful not to step on the luminous spot, least you destroy the bridge again.

Bevelle Temple

Note! You can visit this temple only once during the main story of the game, thus there is only one occasion. It’s important to discover the secret of the Cloister of Trials during this first and last visit to obtain the secret Aeon later.

Final Fantasy X - Temples of Yevon Full guide

This particular cloister is a labyrinth of moving corridors: in order to proceed through them it’s necessary to press a pedestal containing a sphere onto the platforms. The pedestal can hold a maxumum of two spheres at a time; as soon as you reach the end of one of the two main corridors, you will automatically be teleported back at the beginning of the same corridor and from here you can continue normally. If you find yourself at crossroads or turns, you can use the arrows on the seal to choose the direction where you wish to proceed. These arrows will alternate regularly, without stopping: to establish your destination, simply press the confirm button (X on Playstation) when the arrow points in the direction you want. Having said that, push the pedestal onto the ramp in front of you: the Cloister of Trials will officially begin.

Final Fantasy X

To get started, move past the first turning with a glyph. At the second turning, you’ll see the arrow move regularly left and right. When the arrow turns left press the confirm button (X on Playstation) to reach the western niche. Here, remove the Bevelle Sphere from the recess (screenshot), then push the pedestal back on the platform. Now you need to reach the recess in front of you. To do this, press the confirm button (X on Playstation) repeatedly again when the arrow point to the screen: you’ll find yourselves turning and moving south (screenshot). At the first turn, press the confirm button (X on Playstation) when the arrow is pointing left to enter another niche to the east. Insert the sphere in the wall (screenshot) to activate the main path to the middle floor. Afterward, take the platform to the south Glyph and turn down (screenshot).

Final Fantasy X

When you reach the next floor turn left to remain on the middle floor. Then ignore the first turning and turn right at the next one (screenshot). If you keep going forward, you’ll end up moving in circles. Remove the Glyph Sphere from the wall at the end (screenshot) and place it in the pedestal, then keep moving with the platform and turn right at the next turning (north-east). Remove the Bevelle Sphere from the pedestal and insert it in the recess (screenshot). This action will generate a path next to you that can be walked along. Remove the Glyph Sphere from the pedestal and place it in the recess at the end of this path (screenshot). The wall will dissipate and allow you to access to the Destruction Sphere.

Final Fantasy X

Insert the Sphere into the pedestal and do the same with the Bevelle Sphere you left in the wall (screenshot). Now turn back where you removed the Glyph Sphere from the wall and insert the Destruction Sphere in that same recess (screenshot). It’ll open a passage at the end of the corridor, to the south of your current location. Before continuing south, however, it’ll be necessary to obtain a second Bevelle Sphere. To do this, reach the first turning on this floor, where you will stop automatically: from here, proceed right toward the lower floor to see another Bevelle Sphere (screenshot). Take it and insert it in the pedestal to bring it to the middle floor, where you will have to turn right, and then right again. Now our path will be blocked by a platform. Luckily, you just need to push the pedestal to the other side (screenshot) to remove the obstacle and continue. Now it’s time to leave the passages.

Final Fantasy X - Temples of Yevon Full guide

Remove the Bevelle Sphere from the pedestal, go up the stairs, place it in the recess on the wall (screenshot) and take the HP Sphere in the treasure chest to the right (screenshot). Once you open it, the chest will leave a luminous switch in its place. Step on it, as always, to make the pedestal appear. Then turn around and push the pedestal toward the left of the screen, on the platform (screenshot). Move on the platform youselves to proceed toward another treasure chest to obtain a Knight Lance (a good weapon for Kimhari). This is the Secret of the Bevelle Temple. To leave the cloister once and for all move north.

Zanarkand Temple

The Zanarkand Cloister is the last puzzle to solve for Yuna’s pilgrimage to be completed. Like every temple, this one also contain an important Secret. However, you won’t be able to unlock it during your first visit: you’ll have to wait until the game gives you an airship, which will be the only way to get back to the Zanarkand Temple and complete the exploration.

Final Fantasy X

That said, let’s get started. Step on the green square after the steps (screenshot). You will thus have the opportunity to see nine luminous circles on the floor: every time you touch one, you will see part of the puzzle lit up around you. The goal is to replicate the five symbols shown on the screen in front of you. In case you activate the wrong symbol, all the progresses will be resetted and you will have to start over. Each luminous circle corresponds to a different color and section on the floor: to replicate correctly the figure on the wall, you can check the maps below, which should clearly indicate how to proceed:

Final Fantasy X

It will be enough for you to compare what you see with the map above. The moment you’ll complete the first symbols in the first room, you will be able to proceed in the second room; plus, you will notice six pedestals in the recesses. Before moving into the next room, however, push the pedestal near the door north-west (screenshot) to see new puzzle pieces appear on the screen. Then proceed through the open door to the next room, a large hall. Here, look at the north screen to memorize the new combination: the map above should be enough to help you solve this puzzle as well, replicating the symbols while activating the luminous circles.

Final Fantasy X

After the six symbols has been activated, the first symbol in the center of the area will lit (screenshot). Now get back into the previous room to push the pedestal against the wall. Specifically, you’ll be asked to activate seven symbols in the south-west pedestal (screenshot). By pushing the pedestal into the north-east wall, however, you’ll be asked to activate nine symbols (screenshot). Once it’s done, move the pedestal south-east to recreate seven more symbols (screenshot).

After you’re done with all the three combinations (one at a time), a Kilika Sphere will appear: you can pick it up examing the left side of the north screen (screenshot) in the big hall. Now return in the first small room and place it in the central pedestal to the west side (screenshot). It’s time to pick up the Besaid Sphere in the big hall: you can find it in the right side of the screen. Insert the Sphere in the remaining pedestal, in the middle of the east wall, then push both pedestals in the recesses to complete the cloister.

The secret of the Zanarkand Temple: once you have the airship, select “Zanarkand” as your next destination and make your way to the temple. Inside, you’ll notice that the screen on the back wall is showing seven white squares (screenshot).

Using the map above one more time, activate the three white squares in the small room (screenshot) and the fourth elements you’ll find in the big hall (screenshot). This will lift the north wall in the small room, revealing a niche. Remove the Destruction Sphere inside it and place it in the recess to the right of the monitor of the big room (screenshot).

The screen will vanish, letting a chest appear in its place: open it for a Magistral Rod. This will unlock the Secret of the Zanarkand Temple.

Secret Temples

Three secret temples are scattered through Spira, with three intercessors hidden in them, and therefore three potential Aeons. The locations are:

  • The Cavern of the Stolen Fayth: even though it’s not a Temple, this secret location holds the spirit of a stolen Fayth.

  • Baaj Temple: this secret location can only be reached by airship. After defeating Josguein in the deep sea, the Sunken Temple become accessible. On either side of the Anima sanctuary there are six statues, three on the left and three on the right. In order to interact with them and unlock the great seal blocking the passage to the Chamber of the Fayth (screenshot), you need to collect the six secret items hidden in the Cloister of Trials of the six Spira Temples. Only after you have correctly interacted with all the six statues in the Baaj Temple you will be able to enter the Chamber of the Fayth and obtain Anima as a gift, the Aeon with the most devastating power in the whole game.

  • Remiem Temple: this temple is located in a hidden spot beyond the south-east mountains of the Calm Lands. To reach it, you must complete the first Chocobo training session. This secret temple is completely optional, but will allow you to unlock two interesting side-quests: one is the Chocobo racing, the second is the Belgemine’s Aeons. Furthermore, inside the Chamber of the Fayth, you will have the possibility (having met certain requirements, you’ll find them below) to also obtain three secret Aeons, i.e. The 3 Magus.

Revisiting the Chamber of the Fayth in the Temples

Note! The The following paragraph contains spoilers. Read it only if you have reached the final stages of the adventure.

When you regain control of the airship later in the game, you will be able to visit again the Temples of Spira. Entering the Chamber of the Fayth in some of them will allow you to meet the fayths. After some talks, they will give you an item as a gift, also allowing you to open several treasure chests. The table below shows all the possible rewards you can get, depending on the temple you visit:

Temple Items Treasure Chests
Besaid Agility Sphere Potion (x2), Elisir, Wht Magic Sphere, Hi-Potion
Kilika Fortune Sphere Defense Sphere, Speed Sphere, Accuracy Sphere
Djose Fortune Sphere Speed Sphere, Magic Def Sphere
Macalania Magic Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Magic Def Sphere
Remiem Defense Sphere
The Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Strength Sphere

During the various tours, however, be extremely careful when approaching a temple. Yuna and his guardians, in fact, are still branded as traitors, which is why the priests will not hesitate to launch dangerous creatures against them: the Dark Aeons. These are very powerful opponents, most of which require enormous preparation before they can be faced properly. Not all temples are obstructed by these creatures, but they are scattered throughout Spira in very specific places.

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Published by Mark

My name is Marco, and although I've been playing Final Fantasy since I was a kid, I couldn't come up with a fancier nickname than Mark. My passion for the Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider series led me to create Allgamestaff, a website where I have published numerous strategy guides in hopes of helping other fans like me overcome an obstacle and explore every nook and cranny. I love writing and video games: my website is the place where these two interests intersect.