All the Temples of Yevon scattered across Spira host a Cloister of Trials: an intricate set of rooms built to test the desire of those who yearn to know the secrets of Yevon. During the adventure of Final Fantasy X, solving the mysteries of the temples and finding all the secrets will also allow us to obtain a secret Aeon: Anima. In this article you will find a complete guide to the Macalania Temple.
How to solve the Puzzle of Macalania Temple

In order to return to the Great Hall, you have to solve the puzzle inside the Cloister of Trials: the goal is to rebuilt the bridge that melted away. First thing first, descend the ramp on the left to reach the lower chamber and push the pedestal toward the ice formation to the right (screenshot). Then collect the Macalania Sphere (#1) from the recess in the nearest wall (screenshot) and place it in the pedestal. Now push the pedestal toward the other ice formation (screenshot), letting the pedestal slide down the ramp. It’s time to remove the Glyph Sphere from the central pillar (screenshot) and follow the pedestal down the ramp. When you reach the underground chamber, push the pedestal to the right (screenshot). This way a pillar will rise from the ground to the ceiling. Above it the first part of the ice bridge will take shape.

Time to get back to the ramp and place the Glyph Sphere in the recess to the far left wall (screenshot). By doing that, a block containing another Malacania Sphere (#2) will appear on the upper level floor. Go get it (screenshot) and place it in the central pillar of the lower floor (screenshot), causing another section of the bridge to be rebuilt. To proceed, extract a Macalania Sphere (#3) from the recess in the wall at the top of the ice ramp (screenshot) and insert it in the central pillar, the same place where you had removed the Glyph Sphere earlier (screenshot). The bridge will finally be completed. However, you’ll probably notice that a luminous spot will appear in the upper level, too, which means that the Cloister of Trials isn’t complete yet.
How to find the Secret of Macalania Temple
Even if the bridge has been rebuilt, if you want to discover all the secrets, you will need to destroy the bridge again.

Approach the central pillar one more time to retrieve the Macalania Sphere, and proceed to the right to insert it in the near wall (screenshot). Next reach the upper floor and step on the luminous tile on the bridge to teleport the pedestal where you stand. Before pushing the pedestal back down, make sure you’ll take the Macalania Sphere inside it. Once the pedestal will go down the ramp, a glyph will stop it midway and divert it toward an ice pillar, revealing the Destruction Sphere. Go down the ramp now and place the Macalania Sphere in the wall near the other ramp, the one that make you reach the underground level (screenshot). Next thing to do is to step on the luminous spot on this floor (screenshot) to bring back the pedestal.

Remove the Destruction Sphere from the pedestal and push it again toward the lower level (screenshot). Follow the pedestal and place the Destruction Sphere in the recess, left to the ramp (screenshot). A treasure chest with a Luck Sphere will materialize, allowing us to clear the Secret of the Macalania Temple. To exit the Cloister of Trials, return to the middle level and remove the Macalania Sphere from the right wall to insert it in the pedestal. Then push the pedestal to the right (screenshot), inside the pillar, before reaching the upper level. Lastly, remove the Macalania Sphere from the wall near the ramp and place it in the central pillar (screenshot) to rebuild the whole bridge.
Note! As you run across the ice bridge to get back to the Great Hall, be careful not to step on the luminous spot, least you destroy the bridge again.
Find the guide for the other Temples
For the complete guide of all the other Temples of Spira which are in the game, please check the page Temples of Yevon.
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